Make an impact on moms and babies well into the future.
Preserve your legacy through a gift to Siena House via your will, trust, or another financial vehicle. Your legacy gift may take the form of cash, securities, real estate, or other property. There are no restrictions on the amount you may give through your will or trust in the state of California. You can deduct bequests to Siena House from your taxable estate for Federal Estate Tax purposes — and the resulting savings from a gift can be significant!
Expand the options below to learn more. If you have any questions about Legacy Giving or need assistance, please contact us at 831-425-2229.
Outright Gifts +
Outright Gifts allow donors to see their contributions at work during their lifetime. All outright gifts can result in income tax savings, but donors may realize multiple benefits by carefully structuring such gifts of cash, personal property, real estate, securities, closely held stock, and founders stock.
Cash: A cash donation is always greatly appreciated. If you wish to make a straightforward gift of cash, your gift is tax deductible in the year in which it is made. You can deduct an amount up to to 50% of your adjusted gross income. Amounts over 50% can be carried over for use during the next five years.
Personal Property: Any type of asset can be accepted by Siena House as a charitable contribution, including personal property such as vehichles, art, jewelry, and antiques. However, donors can deduct the fair market value of the gift only if it is related to Siena House's function as a shelter for women and babies. For gifts that Siena House must sell to support its mission, donors can deduct only the cost basis. Call us to discuss the appraisal and classification of a donation of personal property. (The restriction regarding direct relationship to Siena House's mission does not apply to bequests, only to lifetime gifts.) Your estate can deduct the fair market value of any bequest of personal property.
Securities: Gifts of appreciated securities can provide substantial income tax savings. If you have held securities for more than a year, you are allowed to deduct the market value of the securities without paying tax on the appreciation, for an amount up to 30% of your adjusted gross income in the year you donate. Amounts over 30% can be used over the next five years. Transfer the stock to Siena House to make full use of potential tax savings. If you wish to donate stock that has fallen in value, you should sell the stock at a loss and donate the proceeds. The loss can be used to offset gains, and you can receive the normal charitable deduction for donating the proceeds.
Real Estate: A gift of real estate is often an excellent way to support Siena House. During the year that your transfer title to us, you can take a charitable income tax deduction for up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. Amounts over 30% can be carried over for use during the next five years. To take advantage of potential tax deductions, it is important that you transfer title to appreciated real estate that you have held more than a year to Siena House rather than selling and donating the proceeds. You can then use the fair market value to establish your charitable deduction without being subject to capital gains tax on a sale.
Real estate gifts can offer many benefits to donors, but they can be complicated. We ask that you discuss your situation with us in advance of making your gift. The Siena House financial advisors or your own financial advisor can evaluate your potential give to decide if the gift can be accepted, with marketability an important factor, and can insure that you structure the gift to your advantage.
Closely Held Stock: Closely held stock typically is held by the owner of a corporation who has not received dividends on the stock. The owner can sometimes release retained earnings from the business through a charitable gift, without being taxed at both the corporate and personal level. This somewhat complicated transaction requires careful planning and attention to IRS statutes. Call us or contact your financial advisor to discus your individual situation.
Founder Stock: A company donating founder stock can claim a tax deduction at the beginning of its business venture, when such deductions can be especially helpful. If the business is successful, non-profits can often sell founder stock to realize substantial gains. The donating company receives the tax deduction regardless of whether the business goes forward.## Estate Bequests + A bequest in your will or trust, designating Siena House as a beneficiary of your generosity, is the simplest and most flexible way to support our work for years to come. There are two types of bequests to consider:
- Make an unrestricted bequest, and the amount of your gift will be applied to our mission overall.
- If a particular program or aspect of our mission is especially important to you, make a restricted bequest for a specific purpose or program. For example, you may dedicate your bequest for building and renovation.
Whichever way you choose to make a bequest, please remember that Siena House is not a static institution and our needs may change over time. Unrestricted bequests are particularly important because they allow us to use funds where and when the need is greatest. To ensure that your legacy is allocated properly, the provisions of your bequest should be drawn as broadly as possible.
Suggested Language: I give, devise and bequeath to Siena House Maternity Home of Santa Cruz County, (the sum of $) (X percent of my estate) (the following property) (the remainder of my estate). The property comprising this gift may be used to further the charitable purpose of Siena House Maternity Home of Santa Cruz County, a California nonprofit corporation (Tax ID 777-0518866), located at 108 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
Retirement Plans +
A gift of your retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan, is an excellent way to support Siena House. If you are like most people, you probably will not use all of your retirement assets during your lifetime. Why not allocate the remainder to philanthropic giving, and help women and babies in need?
Typically, retirement plan balances are subject to both income and estate taxes. Because Siena House is a nonprofit organization, we won't pay income tax on the distribution nor will the gift be subject to estate tax. Your retirement assets may be transferred to us by completing a beneficiary designation form provided by your plan custodian. If you designate Siena House Maternity Home of Santa Cruz County as a beneficiary, our women and babies will benefit from the full value of your gift because your IRA assets will not be taxed at your death. Your estate can also benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction for the gift.
Life Insurance Policies +
Siena House accepts gifts of life insurance either as the beneficiary of a policy or as the sole owner and sole beneficiary. Either way, we can use these gifts to help the women and babies most in need in our community.
You can name Siena House Maternity Home of Santa Cruz County as a primary life insurance beneficiary or as a contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to us, free of federal estate tax. To make this gift, simply contact your insurance carrier and request a beneficiary form. Here are some benefits to you:
- Simple to give: Involves little effort or paperwork
- Financial advantage: Continued ownership of your policy
- Flexibility: You can change your mind and your beneficiaries at any time
- Future tax savings: Removes the asset from your potential gross taxable estate
- Legacy of kindness: Your gift will help Siena House continue its lifesaving work.
Making an outright gift of a paid-up insurance policy: Another option is to donate your paid-up life insurance policy to Siena House Maternity Home of Santa Cruz County. If the policy has a cash value, we would have the option of either holding the policy until the maturity date or surrendering the policy to receive the policy's current cash value.
Charitable Remainder Trusts +
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a defined term plan in which you, the donor, contribute assets of various types to the trust which then provides income to you for a fixed period of time. If you choose to partner with Siena House, the assets are transferred to us upon the conclusion of the defined period of time for which the trust was established. The two basic types of charitable remainder trusts are Unitrust (CRUT) and Annuity Trust (CRAT).
The Unitrust (CRUT) pays out a variable annual income that is based on a fixed percentage of the total trust’s assets. These assets are revalued every year based on any appreciation or depreciation that the trust experiences. You are allowed to make additional contributions to this type of trust at any time which can be an added benefit. You are entitled to an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution to the unitrust. You are not required to pay any capital gains tax on any donated appreciated assets. The principal of the trust is transferred to Siena House upon the termination of the trust.
The Annuity Trust (CRAT) pays out a fixed annual income that is set when the trust is established. You are not allowed to make any additional contributions to this type of trust once created. You are entitled to an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution to the annuity trust. The principal of the trust is transferred to Siena House upon the termination of the trust.
There are many benefits to charitable remainder trusts with the main one being that you will have the knowledge and enjoyment of making an important gift which will benefit women and babies later and you currently. Remember to please consult with your professional advisors to determine which method might be the best one for you to employ.
Workplace and Matching Gifts +
Did you know that many employers sponsor matching gift programs that match charitable contributions made by their employees? Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and spouses. By enrolling in your company’s matching gift program, your gift could be doubled and go that much further in helping support Siena House.
Here are two ways to initiate your matching gift: Submit a matching gift verification request through your company’s online portal. Obtain a matching gift verification form from your human resources department. Please email or mail your completed form and a copy of your donation receipt to:
Mail to:
Siena House, 108 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Siena House's Federal Tax ID Number is: 77-0518866.
Required Minimum Distributions +
With traditional IRAs you have to take out at least minimum amounts, known as required minimum distributions, or RMDs, from your account once you reach age 72. Technically, that means the IRA money must start being withdrawn in specific increments no later than April 1 following the year you reach that age.
The exact distribution amount changes from year to year. It is calculated by dividing an account’s year-end value by the distribution period determined by the IRS. Requirements may change from year-to-year, so be sure to check with the IRS for the latest information.
If you link your IRA to a checking option, funds can be donated directly up to $100,000/year and still preserve the standard deduction. Please mail check donations to Siena House at the following address:
Siena House, 108 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060